Sunday, January 28, 2007

Whats make me do this?

is the forth weekend of the year...n CNY is around de corner...cant wait for the angpow collecting season far i hv been squeeze my weekend till very very de fact im doing 
more tiring job during de weekend last week went to sales convention n can say fully recharge my motivation level to push me further..this week even went to football with colleagues n did sum CNY shopping at Royal Sporting House...(bought one bery cheap England jersey at RM99) n carrefour (to buy rubber band)...when i reached there n asked de personnel...surprisingly hypermarket dun sell rubber band...tat is sell almost everything but not rubber band!!??nvm tat is ok may b i can try out tesco next time....later on will go pasar malam again...after come back will continue tie my rubber band ball ;)


Why do i do this?
There are no concrete reason when i 1st doing this (tieing rubber band and make it into ball)and it all started at this place

which is at my workstation...the place where i work every weekdays...the drawer i used to put alot of rubber band now only left few (cos the rest i edy used on my RBB - rubber band ball edy)
cos there are no spaces to accomodate all these rubber at the sudden i just took out sum rubber band n tie them together so it save sum space...n the more i tied...the more ball look it looks like...Initially is looks like a square cube like object so i just make a few round of rubber band around de object...n it changes to a sphere like i seen it is very cute and bouncy like ping pong ball...

wheni show it to my friends...they asked "wats tat?"

I reply"believe anot, this is made up of rubber band"

with sum curiousity face n asked "how u made this ball?"

i then reply "is a long story and is coincidence it turn up into a ball when i try to organise my stuff"


The Progress...
For now the ball is edy grow up into a size that my hp camera cant fit into the screen...why do i say so...check this!!

C the last pic of the ball, is under de same screen of every pic but this ball is too big to fit in the screen of my hp camera

the last picture showed it had tie up close to 500 rubber  band together...took 3 weeks to do it...n i would consider 
this is the end of the phase 1 project....
in coming pic i would use a relative size of the RBB
(probably baseball to match with this RBB)

Next RBB story
How do i tie this ball up? technical n systematical way tat can tie the ball tight n strong n bouncy...(u might think is easy but is not...cos is rounded)

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