Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Dear Ladies & Gentlemens
Today would be a historic day for me as i begin my blog after since
so long the blog is exist on net...may b is abit slow however...
i ll make full use of this blog as "fascinating" as i can...
for those who duno who i name is Steven Siew...
currently based in Sunway, PJ doing a 9-6 job in bank...u may not know me but im welcoming everyone who view me to enjoy the thrill,
the excitement, the happening, the Fun-tastic moments i bring along throughout the days....

Why would i want to BLOG?
think u will be curious y i would start up a blog in a sudden....
there are reasons behind and all these will b unveil
when u begin to read read read read read... blogging myself
is interesing...but...i personally felt tat blog is dull when u dun
blog together with ur smalllittle details, events, jokes, or story....
thats why im here today to blog my newly developed hobbies
which start off with this (c pic below)


-Does it looks weird to u?may b yes...may b no...k let me b straight to you....
This is a rubber band ball...wat make so different?
becos it make up of rubber band (duh i know tat oso)u ll b experience the 1st sense -excitment- only when u continue view my blog....y im saying so...
for each blog u view u ll c the difference of each ball...
it ll getting bigger n bigger as i ll continue to tie this ball up with
rubber bands one by another far for this size of ball...i hv beenusing close to 100 rubber bands...u might be thinking how i
made this tiny little thing ?asking why im so boring till nothing to
do but to make this ball...(All these will be answered in the next blog)
for each pic...there will be a comparison of a rubber band ball with
another circle particle just like below...i set it with a 1 sen coin and a
baseball cos is reachable within my hand range when i wanted to take this shot...and i take this shot when im laying down on my bed...c de bedsheet???

Blog Others
this blog will b obsolete..if the story of the ppl making this ball is not been told
haha of cos is me thoughts, feeling, story will be shared together as
an important substances to continuing provide different layer of emotions...
no matter sweet n sour...big or small, short or long...knowing tat to make this blog
work i hv to make myself obsolete and to continute update the latest info to u all...

ok!wats next?hmm.....wanna know how i begin this rubber band project?wanna know where it taken place?n how coincident is this things happend to me? so stay tune to unveil the back story of this rubber band ball

PS: Due to the upgrading of website has changed to which can belinked to my google email account 

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