Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Daily Routine (including work!)

Hi!Im Steven...full name Siew Chok Wai...just graduated from 
Victoria University of Technology, Australia 2 years ago Dec (2005)...after completed my degree of marketing n international trade..i hv been joining a series of training prog before i start working in a foreign bank as personal banker...sumhow i found that my workload in bank are getting more n more n more with extra pressure +  lots of paperworks n appointments to attend...multitasking is a norm to me...otherwise, i wont b able to finish my daily tasks...on top of tat i need to maintain a monthly sales target of close to RM300k in term of investment and insurance sales...wat to do? thats how work life is....

After work?

sumtimes can b left totally exhausted from working (after 6pm)there will b friends asking for TT session (Teh Tarik), dinners or makan myself which allow me to recharge my energy for a daily mode will b super duper de boring after i join into de workforce...dinner...bath...reading newspapers....interneting...msn...
then sleep sumtimes TV when i found there are nice prog to watch like fear factor, ripley believe anot...or sum chinese movie n english drama like grey anatomy...there is only when i found i not sleepy...all these activities taken my time up to 1-2am (most of the days but im trying to reduce to b4 12am as a thumb rule for working ppl...hey now im working more doing my assignment or prepare my test at midnight like old days)

Guten Morgen!(Good Morning!)

Then the next morning i ll b wake up at 730am...however theres another habit i need to change which i used to snooze the clock (my motorola V3i) to 740am heheheh....been doing tat lots of times edy...then i ll do sum small praying for the 
day n go for wash up for about10min n breakfast will take about 10-20min n ironing of cloth n wear it about 10min...arrive in office by time with my nissan sentra 91' is timeless hehe cos is very de near only 
take 6km of drive....but the toll fee at sunway is terribly high...60% 
increment means i hv to pay another 60cents per trip...flow n back cost me RM3.20 (can buy me an eco rice edy...)

This truck cant pass thru the toll becos of its extra high rail!!!

Amazing Briefing Yesterday Morning
Due to the upgrading of bloggers services...i cant upload the latest blog for u all...
yesterday as in tuesday i was giving a briefing on a Unit trust fund that will be launching on wednesday n after i finish my briefing i asked whether is there any questions or doubt with my eventually my branch manager step up to me n asked....

"Steven, wat do u think of this fund...personally"

i reply "this is one of its kind investment fund in the rare to c this fund appear in market..n when i explain to prospects they are just *blink! really? let me know the launching date for this fund*"

Branch Manager asked again "So, do u have confidence to sell this?"

everyone is silent n i reply "if i have no confidence, i wont be standing here giving this briefing"

all of the sudden everyone claps n cheers ....kekek felt like this is the greatest sentences to prove my confidence level....

The ball for few days back
ok!heres de picture of the main charactor

1st from the left is a bit unstandardised with the 2nd n 2nd n 3rd i hv put a 1 sen coin?
see the black dot at the edge of left n down part of the picture....thats de mark for me to take pic
u can c de slight differencex of the ball i make for these 3 days...the 3rd days ball roughly reach about 300 rubber bands... this is initial part when i 1st started up tie the rubber band ball... when more days count...then u can c de significant changes of the ball...

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